The Mayans were very religious people; their religion regulated almost everything they did in their lifes. Priests were the most important people in the tribes. The Mayan belived their Gods had destroyed and recreated their earths several times, that is the reason they always tried to please their gods with sacrifices. Their sacrifces included various animals that had many ties to them spiritualy. Each God represented something for them in one way or another. Their Supreme Being and creator of the universe was called "Hunan Ku"(Gallenkamp). The next important gods were the sun and moon gods. "Kinish Ahau" was the sun god. They believed that the sun and moon gods were responsible for harvest and various other vital things important to their lifes; statues show him wearing a headdress from ears of corn. Their were four rain gods called "Chacs", which represented rainfall, lighting, thunder, and storms. "Ixtab" was the goddess of sacrificial suicide (Henderson). Mayans believed suicided lead to heaven. "Yum Cicil" was the god of death (Gallenkamp). He was also called "Ah Puch", the god of the underworld. "Kakulcan" was the god of wind. Every job or activity in Mayan life had a god or goddess.
Gallenkamp, Charles. Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization. 3rd ed.
New York: Viking Penguin, Inc, 1985.
Henderson, S. The World of the Ancient Mayan.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (1997.)
Gallenkamp, Charles. Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization. 3rd ed.
New York: Viking Penguin, Inc, 1985.
Henderson, S. The World of the Ancient Mayan.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (1997.)
what god is in the picture
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